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Bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment

Bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment

  • Category:RCO
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  • Release time:2023-06-07 08:40:28
  • Product description

With the continuous development of modern industry and the strengthening of national environmental protection policies, how to effectively reduce the emission of pollutants generated in industrial production and protect the environment has become an urgent problem to be solved. Faced with this challenge, bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment came into being.

Bag dust removal system is one of the most commonly used technologies to deal with dust pollutants in industrial production, which can effectively remove all kinds of solid dust and particulate matter generated in the production process, and avoid the harm of dust to the human body and the environment. The activated carbon adsorption desorption system is a device based on the principle of adsorption, which can efficiently remove volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds), ozone, sulfur dioxide and other harmful gases in the exhaust gas, effectively protect the atmospheric environment, avoid the destruction of the ozone layer and the formation of acid rain.

Combining these two technologies, that is, bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment system, can not only achieve better treatment effects, but also reduce costs and energy consumption, and improve production efficiency. Its basic working principle is: the dust and particulate matter generated by the bag dust removal system are treated first, and the activated carbon adsorption desorption device is used to remove other gaseous pollutants.

Specifically, the system consists of the following parts:

1. Bag dust removal system: The system is mainly composed of filter material, fine inlet fan, phoenix dust collector, dust bucket and electronic control system. It is mainly the use of filter material to filter the dust and particulate matter generated, effectively remove solid pollutants, and improve air quality.

2. Activated carbon adsorption and desorption system: The system is mainly composed of fluidized bed reactor, activated carbon adsorption tower, desorption tower and fan. The basic principle is to pass the waste gas through the activated carbon adsorption tower, the harmful gas components are chemically adsorbed on the activated carbon surface, and then the hot air or inert gas is desorbed to remove the adsorbed harmful gas. At the same time, the system can also be properly adjusted according to the generated exhaust gas flow and characteristics to ensure the treatment effect and efficiency.

Bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment system advantages:

1. High efficiency: The system can handle solid dust and gaseous pollutants at the same time, ensuring the efficiency of environmental protection.

2. Reliable: The system uses efficient filter material and activated carbon adsorption tower, which can maintain stable treatment effect in long-term use.

3. Low cost: Compared with traditional governance methods, the system has lower cost and higher economic benefits.

4. Easy to operate: the system is easy to install and adjust, easy to operate and maintain.

In short, the bag dust removal + activated carbon adsorption desorption equipment system is an efficient, reliable and low-cost environmental protection equipment, which can meet the governance needs of various industrial production environments and contribute to the construction of ecological civilization in China.


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