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How to maintain the old bag dust collector?

2023-06-15 14:12:46

During the use of the old bag dust collector, due to the different materials, the requirements of dust removal efficiency are different, so regular maintenance is needed to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the stability of the dust removal effect.

First, repair parts

1, filter bag: filter bag is an important part of the bag dust collector, the porosity of the filter bag will affect the dust removal efficiency, if the filter bag is loose, the particles in the air will pass the filter bag and can not be filtered out, at this time, you need to replace the new filter bag.

2, special oil seals and top valves: oil seals and top valves are an important part of regular inspection and replacement. The oil seal will wear and age during operation, if the wear is serious, it will lead to the oil seal is not tight enough, resulting in oil leakage. The top valve needs to be checked and replaced regularly to avoid the top exhaust is not smooth or can not be opened.

3, centrifugal fan and fan motor: centrifugal fan and fan motor is an important part of the operation of bag dust collector, if the centrifugal fan and fan motor problems, the entire dust removal system will stop working. Therefore, it is necessary to check the fan regularly to ensure its normal operation, and the fan motor needs regular lubrication and cleaning.


2. Maintenance measures

1, regularly clean the filter bag: during the operation of the equipment, a large amount of dust will accumulate inside the filter bag, if not cleaned in time will affect the dust removal efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the filter bag regularly, dump the accumulated dust, and replace the filter bag in time if it is damaged.

2, regularly replace the oil seal and the top valve: because the oil seal and the top valve are the first seal link in the bag filter, if not checked and replaced in time, it may lead to oil leakage and the top exhaust is not smooth or can not be opened. Therefore, it needs to be replaced regularly.

3, regular inspection of centrifugal fan and fan motor: centrifugal fan and fan motor is the most important part of the bag dust collector work, regular inspection helps to ensure the normal operation of centrifugal fan and fan motor, regular cleaning and lubrication can extend the service life of the equipment.

3. Problem elimination

1, filter bag blockage: there are many reasons for filter bag blockage, which may be the filter bag itself is unqualified, or it may be caused by abnormal material flow, which needs to be handled according to the actual situation.

2, poor dust removal effect: poor dust removal effect may be due to loose filter bag, valve wear, insufficient air volume and other reasons, need to be investigated according to the specific situation.

3, feed slow or blocked: feed slow or blocked may be due to the material is too thick or equipment operation is not normal caused by the need to clean the feed port, and check whether the operation of the equipment is normal.

To sum up, the maintenance of the old bag dust collector is very important, only regular inspection and maintenance can ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the stability of the dust removal effect, and extend the service life of the equipment.


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